Thursday, August 27, 2009

"The whole purpose of an education is to turn mirrors into windows." -Sydney J. Harris

So.... this is my blog... and this is new to me. I'm not sure how this works, but we'll give it a go! We're off on a new adventure!!

I'm Karrie Kennett and I teach at Goodridge Elementary in Hebron. I attended Morehead State University for undergrad and graduated in Spring of 2006. Morehead was a great experience, but I knew that I should head for the hills of Northern Kentucky after graduation. I secured a job at Goodridge Elementary as a third grade teacher for the 2006-07 school year... and I didn't want it at first! My grandmother taught at Goodridge, my mother teaches first grade at Goodridge and I went to school there as a child.... I wanted to be my own person and step out of the mold.... but I was called back and never left. :)

At the end of my third grade year, the principal told me that a kindergarten teacher was retiring. Knowing my heart was in primary, I jumped the third grade ship and moved into a life of half day kindergarten.... and it is where I'm supposed to be! Where else can you tie a billion shoes, create millions of art projects out of the most random objects, and practice counting to 100 daily? It's fantastic getting up each morning to have fun with my 46 monkeys... I love my job!

In my personal life... I purchaed a house last year in Erlanger. That has been a true adventure!! I'm finding that I am becoming quite good at do it yourself projects. Who would have thought that I could install light fixtures or scrape liquid nail residue off of the ceiling (Leftover from ugly styrofoam beams).... but I can! I'm also attempting my hand at gardening, however, I appearently have a black thumb. Who knew that watering is THAT important?! (Oops.)

In my spare time (Who has that?!), I enjoy cooking (I make a mean pesto.), reading (Little Women by Lousia May Alcott is my all time favorite!), traveling (Ever been to Cape May, NJ? I'm retiring there.), and antiquing. I am a tough scrabble player, a valued Netflix member, and a wannabe ghosthunter. I think that life is quite amazing


  1. Hey Kerri- how interesting that you are teaching in the same school that you went to- I always thought that would be strange. And I am so glad that you are happy as a kindergarten teacher- we have a couple of very happy K teachers in the class- I hope you can connect with them. And yes- I spent a week in Cape May this summer- it is a beautiful spot- I grew up in NJ so I know it well- nice retirement spot but I believe you have a while until that--
    Welcome to the world of blogs!

  2. I am incredibly jealous that you spent a week in Cape May!It is honestly one of my favorite places in the world (I may have a while until retirement, but I believe that it will take me THAT LONG to save up for a house there.). My aunt and uncle live in Medford Lakes (15 mi. outside of Philly) and I usually spend most of my summer with them as a big cousin/nanny to my twin cousins. We end up taking many a day trip to the seaside! I've yet to master the turnpikes and tollbooths of NJ, but I'm getting there! What part of NJ did you grow up in?

    I'm glad to see that there are other Kdg teachers! It's nice to find other elementary teachers after the past 2 semesters! I seem to have many more teachers who are high school and middle school in my classes. :)

  3. Yep- I grew up not far from Medford- many of my friends from High School were from there- I lived near Cherry Hill and yes learning New Jersey roads is difficult. I am glad to have a nice group of K teachers- you will have to share notes along the way!
