Sunday, November 29, 2009

Video Day

Two Fridays ago, I videoed. However, in my elation of figuring out how to work a video camera, I neglected to make my last post. I'm really not with it this semester.

Anyway, the video went well! The students impressed me fully by giving me ideas about the placement of items and explanations. One thing that I noticed is that my students became extremely vocal about the placement of items in the classroom and it became difficult to please everyone. I quickly realized that I did need to put democratic voting in place to avoid arguments.

The students also amazed me with their ability to think things through. One of my little girls decided that my table needed to be by the bathroom so that I'm close to the clip moving chart and so that I could see if people were going to the bathroom to avoid their work. I about fell over! Who would have thought that a five year old would be this intuitive!

One thing that I did notice was the influence I did have over the students. With the two doors in the classroom, I knew that the only place that the giant rug would fit would be in a specific place and I did put a little push behind the kids for this. It also made me realize how much of a sway we have in their daily lives.... amazing, isn't it?

Anyway, I'm preparing to post the video this morning. Belated Thanksgiving blessings to all!

1 comment:

  1. I agree that kids will surprise you if you give them a chance- even kindergarteners. It sounds like a really successful inquiry- how do you feel about the finished room arrangement? Did you accomplish your goals?
